thankQ Training and Consultancy
MakeITaplan can help you fit the missing piece of the jigsaw by delivering expert friendly advice and training. Training is an essential part of your ongoing development and understanding of your software. By investing in training you will be ensuring that all thankQ users are fully proficient in how to use your system, thereby maximising your organisation’s ongoing strategic development
Below is a list of available thankQ Training Courses and Consulting options but of course we can design a plan around your specific needs.
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thankQ Training Courses
thankQ Introduction
A one day Course for those new to thankQ or returning to use the system after a period of inactivity.
This course will cover the following:
- The Contacts form in detail
- Tab visibility and Column visibility
- Searching using quick search and ‘yellow box’ searching; saving searches.
- Setting relationships and mailing preferences
- Generating simple email and mail merge communications
- Creating and using groups
- Simple reporting
- General tips!
thankQ Fundraising
This one day course will look at the functionaility within the thankQ Fundraising menu and describe some approaches to segmenting
The course will cover:
- Trusts and Trust applications – Recording applications, reporting on application status and success rates.
- Prospects – Specifying prospects, capturing wealth, gift capacity and likelihood; logging research and solicitations; using prospect profiles.
- Legacies – Registering a legacy enquiry; entering will and legacy details; adding a legacy item and legacy payments; Legacy reporting;
- Campaigns/Projects – Measure the cost effectiveness and ROI of fundraising projects.
- Segmentation – Use of RFM calculations in thankQ; segmenting based on type of donations, event participation and ‘touchpoints’.
Event Management
This one day course will describe how to set up and manage events within thankQ
The course will cover:
- Setting up free and chargeable events
- Configuration of events – Adding resources, seminars and workshops, activities, seating plans
- Loading invitees and generating invitation letters/emails
- Managing bookings – Creating a booking, adding additional attendees, producing confirmation letters; adding attendees to workshops or other events
- Handling cancellations
- Processing booking payments and reporting on overdue payments
- Producing name badges and attendee lists
thankQ Mail Manager
A one day course that will provide an in depth look at the Mail Manager functionality within thankQ
The course will show you how to:
- Adding contacts using saved searches and groups
- Creating mailing segments
- Viewing and amending details within the mail manager
- Applying mailing rules
- Deduping by address, household and email
- Generating standard emails and mailmerge documents
- Generating excel mailing lists
- Using the integration with Mailchimp
- Loading mailing contacts to a Mailchimp list
- Creating groups of contacts in Mailchimp
- Setting unsubscribe actions
- Downloading opens, click throughs and unsubscribes from a Mailchimp campaign
- Logging the mailing in thankQ
Introduction to SQL
While the thankQ report builder is flexible, what happens when a report cannot be generated using that tool
This one day course explains the basics of SQL and how this can be used to create more complex reports.
- The thankQ database stucture
- Exploring tables, rows and columns
- Simple queries – use of SELECT and conditional operators WHERE, LIKE, IN, AND/OR
- Joining database tables to extend reporting
- Grouping and aggregation – counts and totals
- SQL functions – Date, character and conditional
- Putting it all back into thankQ
Database Administration
This course is aimed at thankQ users with responsibility for configuration and maintenance of the database
This one day course covers:
- Duplicate checking and merging
- Using the Import data tools
- Forms administration – Configuring lookups and setting form defaults
- Setting up Contact relationships
- Finance administration – Use of source and destination codes. Pay file formats and payment file processing
- Data tools administration – Setting dupe fields and dupe thresholds
- User administration – Setting up user groups and access levels
- Creating power report columns
- Working with library definitions
Report Builder
This half day course will cover advanced reporting features within thankQ
This course will cover:
- Selecting reporting fields
- Adding additional search criteria
- Report parameters – adding into a report field and specifying input parameters and pick lists at report run time
- Setting further report properties – Grouping and summaries, bar indicators and charts, conditional formatting, report output options
- Saving and modifying reports, including setting a report as dynamic
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check out our Charity News page
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